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As Thanksgiving has wrapped up and the calendar turns to December, our volunteers are working tirelessly to collect more holiday cards to deliver to our veterans. We want to thank them for their incredible work and also thank the people around the country who have seen or heard about the Holiday Mail for Heroes program and have written cards themselves. Every card that we are able to deliver to our veterans is so meaningful and special. Over the past several weeks we have received cards from people across the United States and more cards continue to come in every day.

As a reminder, if you are interested in writing a card, you can do so and mail them into us to bring to our veterans. The following can help you write a card this holiday season:

DO... - Write a sentimental and upbeat message and sign the card at the end

- Make the cards more meaningful to a wider audience of veterans by starting the card with "Dear Hero" or "Dear Veteran"

- Remember that cards will be delivered locally and not overseas so do not include messages such as "come home safe" or "get well"


- Include any glitter in any cards for the safety of our veterans - Include any personal information such as an email or home address (first and last names as well as school names or states are okay)

Below are some examples of cards people have written in past years:

Any written cards can be mailed to:

1254 Dartmouth Lane

Deerfield, IL 60015

Through just the first few weeks of fundraising we are already over halfway to our goal of $1,000!!!

Every dollar we raise will go directly to supporting and thanking our veterans this holiday season. If you are interested in donating please visit our fundraiser website at:

Today, November 11, marks the 100th anniversary of Veteran's Day - a holiday in which we honor the nearly 20 million active and former U.S. military service members. On this day we should all take a moment to realize the incredible debt of gratitude we owe our veterans. They represent the best of our nation: those willing to sacrifice and serve in order to protect our nation and the common good around the world.

This is the idea that started Holiday Mail for Heroes – an idea and goal to show an appreciation for the heroes of our country and remind them that they are not forgotten this holiday season. While many of us will get to spend the upcoming holidays in the presence of family, friends, and loved ones, many of our nation's veterans will have to spend their time in the hospital. Every year Holiday Mail for Heroes delivers handwritten cards to our veterans at VA hospitals and clinics around the holiday season. After collecting nearly 2,000 handwritten cards last year to bring to our veterans, we want to reach even more this year. Today, on a day dedicated to honoring our veterans, you can help us do that. You can write your own card to be delivered to a veteran. You can donate to our organization so that we can reach more veterans across the nation. You can volunteer to become a local coordinator for Holiday Mail for Heroes and pass out cards to family or friends or classmates or co-workers or strangers you pass on the street. Most importantly, today especially, if you see a service member please thank them for their service that allows all of us to spend these holidays - and everyday - in comfort and freedom.


Dylan DiMatteo


Cover Photo by Aaron Burden on Unsplash

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